CTS: Dennis Mangan is Zooming across the world this year.

The Amer Soc for Microbiology is offering online sci comm courses this summer "Science Communication for Microbiologists" for ASM members.  This 5-week interactive training will introduce the fundamentals of communicating science and walk participants through the steps of how to craft an engaging, entertaining message for a specific audience. The course consists of live weekly sessions that incorporate presentations and interactive discussions from 1 of the following tracks:

Advocacy- Participants will receive a crash course in United States federal policy and legislation, working with ASM Advocacy staff to develop messaging for meeting with their member of Congress.

Communicating with Lay Audiences - Learn how to distill and translate your science for a general, non-expert audience. Focused on public presentations.

Communicating with Professional Audiences - Improve your formal presentations and learn techniques for sharing your research with your scientific colleagues.

More info and registration ($25) at:  https://asm.org/Webinars/Science-Communication-for-Microbiologists-Stra-2

Let us know if your group wishes to host CTS seminars or workshops via Zoom!